The Leather Accessories Factory
Traveling to this factory is both beautiful and treacherous. There are no direct trains or flights; instead, we rented a car and took a three-hour car ride through the hills of Spain.
This factory has more than 50 years of experience producing leather goods and has worked with both international luxury brands and smaller independent designers.
Despite its small size, the factory boasts a roster of international clients. Their three biggest markets are the United Kingdom, France, and the United States.
How We Found It
To find the best factory to produce our wallets, we started by asking a question: “What luxury brand currently has a great wallet that we love?” There was one brand that resonated internally for their quality of leather and craft. So we started our hunt to find the factory that produced them.
We Googled. We called friends. We poured through databases. Nobody spoke. After two months, we got a lead. A friend knew a patternmaker in a small town in Spain that created leather patterns for many of the top brands. So, we gave him a call. It turns out that this particular town is known for its beautiful leather goods, and a local named Pepe had been producing wallets for luxury brands for nearly a decade. After making the connection, we traveled to Ubrique and began the process of developing our wallets at one of the best leather factories in the world.
The Material
The craftsmen at our factory are experts in their field, so we turned to them to source the best Italian leather. For our wallet collection, we use both full-grain and smooth finishes.
About the Owner
The owner likes to stress the important role trust plays in the relationships between his factory and his clients. In his own words, the top priorities in his business relationships are “transparency and honesty.” Sounds like someone we know.